Riding a Motorcycle in Oklahoma
Like many states, Oklahoma enjoys clear and sunny weather approximately 65% of the average year. Naturally, the favorable climate caters to the attractiveness of motorcycle riding. While a greater feeling of freedom and uninhibited expression is hard to find, motorcycling is also one of the chief ways to experience a high range of injuries. Although vehicle laws and attentiveness can prove positive for motorcyclists, accidents remain all too frequent in Oklahoma. If you have found yourself a victim of a motorcycle accident, the first thing you will need is an experienced Oklahoma personal injury attorney.
Oklahoma is no exception when it comes to filing an insurance claim, specifically because no matter what, everyone is looking for money. Insurance companies often look to shift the blame over to the innocent motorcycle riders, and that can be sadly easy for them given the disputably dangerous nature of motorcycles. An experienced attorney in Oklahoma will not let them get away with this, and especially in a strictly At-Fault state, only a highly qualified Oklahoma attorney can assure you proper recompense.
Motorcycle Accidents: An Uphill Battle
In many ways, a lot of your time can be wasted in specific regards to filing an insurance claim and winning your case in the long run. Regardless of your attorney, motorcycle accidents can be far too easily blamed on the rider even if he/she is not at fault. One reason for this is because like it or not, motorcyclists lead the way in recorded suspensions and revocations, as well as speeding and DWI convictions.
Of course, you may be the safest rider in the state. Nevertheless, the statistics only bode well for insurance companies looking to shed their liability and increase your chances of losing your claim. It may seem less than fair, but judging your likelihood to be involved in an accident based on the statistics of other drivers is what insurance companies do best. This is one enormous reason why you need the very best Oklahoma attorney fighting for you.
The Causes and the Laws
Like any other state, the leading causes of motorcycle accidents in Oklahoma are typically the result of other drivers failing to see motorcyclists or misjudging their speed or maneuverability. Because of this, the odds of the other driver being quickly determined to be at-fault are somewhat better despite the dangerous reputation of motorcycling. Even still, there is no way to confirm that the results will always be in your favor unless you enlist the guidance of an experienced Oklahoma attorney as soon as possible.
No matter what, if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident then you are lucky to be alive. Fatalities among motorcycle crashes are higher than that of any other kind of accident due mainly to the obvious lack of protection when colliding with a much larger vehicle. The best way to protect yourself from the chances of an accident is to follow Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws. Adherence to these laws can greatly reduce your chances of being involved in a motorcycle accident, although the chances are still based on personal responsibility. If you have been as law-abiding as possible and still found yourself in a collision on your motorcycle, your only guarantee for fair compensation is to contact a qualified Oklahoma attorney now!